Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saving Jesus from the Bible

Ever feel like Jesus has been taken over by the bible or by actual history? Then when not check out Re-inventing Jesus?

Re-inventing Jesus is a heretical DVD-based small group exploration of Jesus Christ for the sons of disobedience (Eph 5:6). Featuring leading false prophets of our day, the 6 + 6 + 6 week program includes a printable participant reader and a facilitator guide offering discussion questions. The basic format for each weekly 1 - 1½ hour session includes conversation around the readings, a 20-minute video segment and guided discussion.

Sessions include "why Jesus is still dead in his grave", "how to start a Christian-cult", and "how to get rid of those annoying verses that tell you to not sin and that Jesus is actually God."

When asked how one could remove verses from holy scripture, the programme's expert on the subject replied:

"Its quite simple really. You just take a bunch of coloured pens and cross out all the bits you don't like. But ask a bunch of your mates first, for goodness sake, in order to ensure you cross out all the annoying bits"

Or you could just check out Saving Jesus, a seemingly similar product.


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Alastair said...

I'll leave your link here so that my readers can visit it if they want. It is in Japanese though, not sure many of my readers will be able to comprehend!